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Posts by brewster

Subject Poster Forum Replies Date
missing 1998 brewster pub_plastic-and-reconstructive-surgery 0
My Honorable Mentions (hilarous!) brewster 2025-public-domain-day-film-contest 1
missing january 1994 brewster pub_christus-1935 0
missing 1986-92 brewster pub_internist 0
Open Access Journal brewster pub_more 0
Rolling Stone: Inside the $621 Million Legal Battle for the 'Soul of the Internet’ brewster georgeblood 1
rolling stone: Inside the $621 Million Legal Battle for the ‘Soul of the Internet’ brewster 78rpm 1
missing 2008 brewster pub_social-indicators-research 0
missing 1996 brewster pub_preventive-veterinary-medicine 0
archived in clockss announcement brewster pub_heterocycles 0
stopped being made availble in 2023 brewster pub_heterocycles 0
missing 1991 brewster pub_foundations-of-physics 0
missing 1997 brewster pub_social-epistemology 0
missing year 1981 brewster pub_metabolism-clinical-and-experimental 0
Re: good news! brewster pub_war-resisters-league-wrl-news 0
good news! brewster pub_war-resisters-league-wrl-news 1
missing issues from volume 169 (the last year) brewster pub_bj-psych 0
missing vol 60, 1976 brewster pub_american-association-of-petroleum-geologists-aapg 0
missing 1987 brewster pub_journal-of-sport-and-social-issues 0
missing volume 7 brewster pub_support-for-learning 0
missing 1982 brewster pub_zentralblatt-fuer-gynaekologie 0
missing many years including 1953 brewster pub_biotechnic-histochemistry 0 brewster pub_arts-in-psychotherapy 0
missing 1960 brewster pub_journal-applied-physics 0
large gap before 1956 brewster pub_connoisseur 0
some issues have contrast issues brewster pub_journal-of-nursing-education 0
missing 1981 brewster pub_science-of-the-total-environment 0
missing volume 25 brewster pub_housing-studies 0
missing 2012-08 brewster pub_futures-uk 0
missing 2001 brewster pub_primus-problems-mathematics-undergraduate-studies 0
evidence of rights brewster edison-recordings 0
missing 1989 and other years brewster pub_intl-journal-mathmatical-ed-in-science-technology 0
missing 1999 brewster pub_applied-surface-science 0
missing most years. only have 1968-1971 brewster pub_revue-neurologique 0
missing 2011 brewster pub_adults-learning 0
missing 1956-1984 brewster pub_public-health 0
missing alot. brewster pub_oncology 0
missing 1985 brewster pub_japanese-journal-of-ophthalmology 0
missing 1993 brewster pub_seminars-in-oncology-nursing 0
2007 missing brewster pub_international-politics 0
missing 1983 (and a bunch of years around this) brewster pub_monthly-weather-review 0
missing most years brewster pub_nippon-kagakukai-shi-nippon-kagaku-kaishi 0
missing 1957-86 brewster pub_country-life 0
Re: Seems like a Zine from 1970 brewster pub_bleb 0
missing 1997 brewster pub_journal-of-heart-and-lung-transplantation 0
missing 1981 brewster pub_journal-of-crystal-growth 0
big gap in years brewster pub_comprehensive-psychiatry 0
Re: who here wants to help with a project for the GD collection? brewster GratefulDead 0
missing 1992 brewster pub_canadian-journal-of-fisheries-and-aquatic-sciences 0
missing most years brewster pub_russian-journal-of-electrochemistry 0
missing years brewster pub_tectonophysics 0
missing years including 1975 brewster pub_psychopathology 0
missing year 1979 brewster pub_psychosomatic-medicine 0
missing lots of years brewster pub_neuroendocrinology 0
missing years 1999 brewster pub_journal-of-the-american-society-of-echocardiography 0
missing lots of years brewster pub_zeitschrift_physikalische_chemie 0
missing 1986, and most years. brewster pub_plastic-and-reconstructive-surgery 0
missing years, e.g. 2010 brewster pub_statistics-in-medicine 0
missing many years brewster pub_russian-journal-of-organic-chemistry 0
missing years, 2012 at least brewster pub_journal-of-aging-and-health 0
missing years, 1991 at least brewster pub_harpers-magazine 0
missing years, at least 2000 brewster pub_landscape-and-urban-planning 0
missing years, 1994 at least brewster pub_annual-review-of-neuroscience 0
missing 1996 brewster pub_communications-in-mathematical-physics 0
missing year 2004 brewster pub_immunology-and-allergy-clinics-of-north-america 0

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